Microlearning solutions for remote employees: 5 ways to make them effective in 2023

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The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the way we work and remote work has become the new norm for many organisations. As a result, companies must adapt their training programs to meet the needs of remote employees. One approach that has gained popularity in recent years is microlearning. Microlearning is a type of training that delivers bite-sized pieces of information in a way that is easy to consume and retain.

However, with the ever-evolving workplace landscape in 2023, it’s crucial to ensure that your microlearning solutions are not only effective but also engaging and accessible to remote employees. In this article, we’ll explore five ways to make your microlearning solutions effective in 2023 for remote employees. By implementing these strategies, you can help your remote employees stay engaged, motivated, and informed, even in a rapidly changing environment.

What is microlearning?

Microlearning is a type of learning that takes place in short focused bursts. It is usually delivered via digital channels like video and animation, audio, or text and can be used to support traditional learning methods such as face-to-face training or e-Learning.

Microlearning is an effective way to deliver content to employees who are working remotely. When used correctly, it can help employees retain information and apply it to their work. 

5 ways to make microlearning solutions effective

Microlearning is a powerful tool for keeping employees engaged and motivated, but only if it’s done right. Here are some ways to make sure your microlearning solutions are effective:

Keep it relevant: Make sure the content you’re sharing is relevant to your employees’ needs and interests. If you’re not sure what those are, ask them!

Keep it focused: Microlearning is meant to be brief and to the point. Don’t try to cram too much information into one microlearning session – focus on one specific topic.

Make it engaging: Employees won’t stick with a microlearning solution that’s boring or mundane. Find ways to make the content engaging, whether that means adding gamification elements or using interactive media.

Make it accessible: Employees should be able to access your microlearning content whenever and wherever they need it. That means making it available on mobile devices as well as desktop computers.

Make it flexible: Not every employee learns in the same way, so make sure your microlearning solution is flexible enough to accommodate different learning styles. That might mean offering different types of content (e-learning modules, video tutorials, etc.) or allowing employees to choose their own learning paths.

2023 and beyond: what’s next for microlearning?

The next step for microlearning is to make it more engaging and effective. One way to do this is to add interactive elements, such as quizzes and games. This will make the learning process more fun and engaging for employees. Another way to improve microlearning is to make it more personalised. This can be done by tailoring the content to the specific needs of each employee. Finally, another way to increase the effectiveness of microlearning is to use it in conjunction with other training methods, such as face-to-face or online learning. By using a variety of training methods, employees will be able to learn in the way that best suits their needs.

The benefits of microlearning solutions

When it comes to learning content, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The most effective remote employees are those who are able to find the learning style that works best for them and then take advantage of microlearning solutions that can help them stay on top of their game.

Microlearning is a great way for remote employees to learn new information in short digestible chunks. This type of learning is especially beneficial for those who have a limited attention span or who prefer to learn in a nonlinear fashion. Additionally, microlearning can be done at the employee’s own pace and can be easily incorporated into their daily workflow.

There are many different microlearning solutions available, so it’s important to choose one that will work well for your specific needs. Some popular microlearning solutions include online courses, video tutorials, infographics, and cheat sheets. No matter which solution you choose, make sure that it’s engaging and easy to understand so that your remote employees will actually use it.

Final Word

In conclusion, building effective microlearning solutions for remote employees is essential for companies in 2023. As flexible working becomes more essential, a multitude of industries will turn to microlearning solutions to optimise their training processes. With these five microlearning solutions, companies can ensure that their remote employees have effective and comprehensive training for the upcoming year. By investing in digital platforms and interactive courses, organisations can further develop team competencies and engage remote workers in a more personalised and efficient way. As technology continues to evolve, companies should continue to diversify their learning strategies, especially when it comes to remote employee training. Not only does this create efficiency but it also cultivates collaboration on an organisational-wide scale.